If I Seen an Ad on Fb Is There a Way to Find It Again

We all know that ads can get super annoying, yet at times they can prove to be effective discovery tools. It has probably happened to you – scrolling on your Facebook or Instagram feed and noticing an ad for what appeared to be an interesting product, and you ended up clicking on it. This is the power of targeted ads. Putting aside user privacy issues, this practice can benefit users by providing easier access to products and services they will most likely be interested in.

Once you check out an ad, both Facebook and Instagram will save your activity so you can view it later. This comes in handy if you viewed an ad some time ago and now want to find the product again but can't remember its name or the company that made it. Follow us in this guide, as we demonstrate how you can easily view your recent ad activity on the two social apps.

How to Check Your Ad Activity on Instagram

You can only view your ad activity via Instagram for mobile, as the option is not available on the desktop version of the app.

1. Fire up the Instagram app on your mobile device.

2. Tap on your profile image on the lower-right side of the display to go to your profile.

Ad Activity Instagram Profile Picture

3. Tap on the hamburger menu in the upper-right corner.

Ad Activity Instagram Hamburger Menu

4. Select Settings (gear icon at the bottom).

Ad Activity Instagram Settings

5. Tap on Ads.

Ad Activity Instagram View Ads

6. Select "Ad Activity" to view all the Sponsored posts you clicked on. Additionally, in the same window, you'll be able to check out all of the "Recently Clicked Story Ads" as well.

Ad Activity Instagram Ad Activity

How to Find Your Recently Viewed Ads on Facebook for Mobile

Facebook also allows you to check the most recent ads you viewed, but depending on whether you're using the mobile or desktop app, you'll have to take different routes. On mobile, it's pretty straightforward.

1. Open the Facebook app on your device.

2. Tap on the hamburger menu in the upper-right corner of the display.

Ad Activity Facebook Mobile Settings Menu

3. Look for a card that says "Recent Ad Activity." If you can't spot it, press "See More" and scroll down until you find the option.

Ad Activity Facebook Mobile Recent Ad Activity

4. Go ahead and scroll through your ads. You may want to ensure select ads don't get deleted with the passing of time. To save them for later use, simply tap the "+" button under the ad.

Ad Activity Facebook Mobile Recent Ads View

Alternatively, if you're viewing Facebook from within your mobile browser, you need to follow the below steps to view older ads you've interacted with.

1. Open Facebook in your browser.

2. Tap on the hamburger menu in the top-right corner of the display.

Ad Activity Facebook Mobile Browser Settings

3. Scroll down until you find Settings and tap on it.

Ad Activity Facebook Mobile Browser Full Settings Menu

4. Find the Ads section and tap on "Ad preferences."

Ad Activity Facebook Mobile Ad Preferences

5. Here you can view the latest ads you've viewed.

Ad Activity Facebook Mobile Advertiser View

How to Find Your Recently Viewed Ads on Facebook for Desktop

When using Facebook on your PC, this is how you can find your ad activity:

1. Open Facebook on your PC.

2. Click on the drop-down arrow icon in the top-right corner of the display.

Ad Activity Facebook Desktop Dropdown Menu

3. Select "Settings & Privacy."

Ad Activity Facebook Desktop Settings Privacy

4. Click on Settings.

Ad Activity Facebook Desktop Settings

5. Check the left side of the display and scroll down until you find Ads.

Ad Activity Facebook Desktop Ads

6. Here you'll find a collection of ads you've seen most recently, and most importantly, the list of ads you recently clicked on.

Ad Activity Facebook Desktop Ad Preferences

While ads can have their uses, most people simply just want to see less of them. If this applies to you as well, then perhaps you'd like to learn how you can opt out of personalized YouTube and Google ads or mute Spotify ads on Android.

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Source: https://www.maketecheasier.com/view-recent-ad-activity-facebook-instagram/

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